Iskolai projektek

Project title & tags Project category & School Project videos / documents
Holocaust of today
Holocaust commemoration
Individual school project
OŠ Belokranjskega odreda Semič, SI
Jewish memories of Buda
Video competition 2015/16, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Sashegyi Arany János Primary and Secondary School, HU
The Jewish History of Sopron - A soproni zsidóság története
Story of a Jewish person, Video competition 2015/16, Winner, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Széchenyi István Iskola, HU
Meeting after years
Runner up, Video competition 2015/16, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Żywcu, PL
Gute Leute/ good people
Courageous people, Holocaust commemoration, Story of a Jewish person, Our town's Jewish history
Individual school project
Sztehlo Gábor Evangélikus Gimnázium, HU
Gyermekként Kalocsán
Story of a Jewish person, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Kalocsai Nebuló Általános Iskola, Speciális Szakiskola és Egységes Gyógypedagógiai Módszertani Intézmény, HU
Virtual Jewish Cookbook Project 2016 - Falsche Fish / Gefilte Fish
Cookbook Project, Cooperation project, Video competition 2015/16, Winner
Centropa Jewish Network
I. E. Lichtigfeld-Schule, DE, HU , Lauder Javne Community School Budapest, Hungary, DE, HU
Marmorosch Blank Bank
Video competition 2015/16, Virtual Walking Tour, Winner, Our town's Jewish history
Centropa Jewish Network
Lauder-Reut Educational Complex | Bucharest, Romania, RO
Jacques M Elias - A great example of human generosity
Virtual Walking Tour, Our town's Jewish history
Centropa Jewish Network
Lauder-Reut Educational Complex | Bucharest, Romania, RO
Civil Society - Saving the World One Person at a Time
Civil society, Project based on a Centropa film
Milton Wolf Prize
The Jewish Day School Bellevue, WA, USA, US
Civil Society - Domestic Violence
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
The Jewish Day School Bellevue, WA, USA, US
Civil Society - Enabling a Life Worth Human Dignity
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
The Jewish Day School Bellevue, WA, USA, US
Virtual Walking Tour of Jewish Places in Sofia
Video competition 2015/16, Virtual Walking Tour, Our town's Jewish history
Centropa Jewish Network
134 -Dimcho Debelyanov- Hebrew and English Langugage School, BG
Janusz Korczak
Story of a Jewish person, Video competition 2015/16, Virtual Walking Tour, Our town's Jewish history
Individual school project
Educational Complex №141 "ORT", UA
Jews of Thessaloniki
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
High School of Thessaloniki Kallithea, GR
How to do a cookbook project?
Cookbook Project
Centropa Jewish Network
Educational Complex №141 "ORT", UA
Soul Revolution
Civil society
Individual school project
Educational Complex №141 "ORT", UA
Video Competition 2016 (videos in hebrew)
Family History, Video competition 2015/16
Centropa Jewish Network
Leo Baeck Education Center, IL
Jews from Thessaloniki
Holocaust commemoration, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
High School of Thessaloniki Kallithea, GR
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Technikum Anagra, PL
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Technikum Anagra, PL
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Technikum Anagra, PL
Jewish life in Berlin Mitte - now and then
Our town's Jewish history
Individual school project
Jüdisches Gymnasium Moses Mendelssohn, DE
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
D.R. Hill Middle School, US
The Unemployment Epidemic
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
D.R. Hill Middle School, US
Poverty in Ashe County, NC
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
Ashe County High School, US
Poverty in Education
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
North Charleston High School, US
Accepting the Exceptional
Civil society
Milton Wolf Prize
North Charleston High School, US
Szymborska's Poem "Still"
Cooperation project, Poetry projects
Individual school project
Katzanelson High School, IL, US , School District of Palm Beach County , IL, US
A pécsi zsidó örökség nyomában
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Széchenyi István Iskola, HU
Beti Behar
Runner up, Story of a Jewish person
Individual school project
Kocho Racin, MK
Holocaust commemoration, Runner up
Individual school project
Kocho Racin, MK
Something is missing
Holocaust commemoration, Winner
Individual school project
Kocho Racin, MK
Wrocław- Jewish history of our city
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Prywatne Gimnazjum Językowe Parnas, PL
Family Films
Family History
Individual school project
The Jewish Day School Bellevue, WA, USA, US
We live in Szeged - Monogram
Family History, Video competition 2014/15, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Radnóti Miklós Kísérleti Gimnázium, HU
My family- From Kalocsa to Israel
Family History, Winner, Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Kalocsai Szent István Gimnázium, HU
Our school's neighborhood
Our town's Jewish history
Individual school project
Jewish Primary School of Thessaloniki, GR
A mi hőseink
Courageous people, Story of a Jewish person
Individual school project
Sztehlo Gábor Evangélikus Gimnázium, HU
History of the Jews in Hungary
Our town's Jewish history
Our Town's Jewish History
Sztehlo Gábor Evangélikus Gimnázium, HU