When They Turn Your City Against You: The Anschluss, Kristallnacht, and Vienna's Jews

In this free webinar, Lauren Granite, Centropa’s US Education Director, and Paul Regelbrugge, Director of Education at Seattle’s Holocaust and Humanity Center, will take you through a lesson exploring the relationship of Jews to Vienna before March 1938, when the Germans invaded Austria (the Anschluss), and how the Nazis turned the city they loved against them. 

Using Google Earth, film clips, and primary source interview excerpts from Centropa (www.centropa.org), this interactive lesson engages students in questions of identity, what constitutes a home, and what the events of 1938—a turning point in the Holocaust—meant for the Jews.

We will provide you with all of the materials you need to teach this lesson to your students. Appropriate for grades 6-12.

Register here

Sponsored by The Floriday Holocaust Museum and The Florida Department of Education.