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Cím / Tantárgy Évfolyam Dokumentumok

Onsite Learning: A special approach to Generation Z

History, other projects

This PowerPoint offers an overview of how to create an onsite learning experience for students, what to consider as you plan, and some of the challenges you may face.

10, 11, 12, 9

What We Live is History

English, History
“What We Live is History,” can be used in social studies, history, English, and other classes. This lesson challenges students to consider that their lives now will one day be...
10, 11, 12, 6, 7, 8, 9

Maps, Central Europe and History

Geography, History
1 - 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, University

Three Promises: Personal Stories as Historical Material


This lesson plan uses group work, creative writing, and multimedia to teach subjects including History, Literature, Civics, Social and Political Education, Philosophy, Language etc. It is also useful in discussions...


Teofila Silberring - Losy pojedynczego człowieka, jako lekcja historii


Autor: Joanna Olender

Szkoła: Gimnazjum nr 95 w Warszawie

Czas trawania zajęć: 2-3 x 45 min.

Cele lekcji:

·      Uświadomienie czym była Zagłada

·      Stworzenie bazy informacji na temat...


Životní příběh paní Dagmar Lieblové – 2 hodiny


Studenti byli již poučeni o základních pojmech ( židovská kultura, zvyky, tradice, dějiny Židů v naší zemi a ve světě, Židé a druhá světová válka, koncentrační tábory, perzekuce, zákazy, odpovědi...


History of Holocaust Final Exam Project


This final exam project culminates a semester of study and storytelling about Jewish life in Central Europe and the Holocaust that started with students presenting their own stories in picture...


Life During World War II


This is a history project but because we want our students ultimately to teach each other, we started with an introductory video conference during which students asked each other questions...


A Survivor's Story: Dr. Richard Bugajer


Students in my class and Melanie Shaul’s class in Hadera, Israel, read the autobiography of Dr. Richard Bugajer, My Shadowlife. Melanie and I met his widow in Vienna, on...


Exhibition: A century of Jewish culture or “We are all the same by the different ways”

other projects

The main theme:

(1) To bring a different culture to the students by showing them that it is not so much different.

(2) The secondary theme is an exhibition...