Rosa Kolevska's family

Rosa Kolevska's family

This picture was taken in 1992 in my younger daughter Bisserka Kolevska's apartment. My two daughters Bisserka and Natasha Kurteva, nee Kolevska, as well as Ana-Maria, Bisserka's elder daughter are on this photo with me. My daughters first studied in 56th School; later the older one finished 119th High School and the younger one 'Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin' Russian High School. Natasha studied for three years literature at Sofia University, but she wasn't happy with that. She wanted to study in VITIZ. Her father used to be its rector for while, but he wasn't among the favorites there. Nevertheless she passed the exams because the contest was anonymous. She finished Drama Critique with excellent marks. In my opinion she made great progress during the years when she studied literature. Before that she wasn't the best student. My older daughter worked for a while in a theater repertoire center at the Actor's Union, together with theater directors, translators and writers. Finally she was laid off because of staff reduction. She was unemployed for six years, yet she never stopped writing articles on theater. Currently she works in the Bulgarian Army Theater. My younger daughter surprisingly enough said that she wanted to become a puppeteer. She had a speech impediment - she couldn't pronounce 'l' properly and she had to put in a lot of effort in order to overcome this deficiency. Then she applied for directing and she was accepted. She made a good presentation. I don't know why, but maybe in the third course her professor told her that she didn't have enough qualities to become a director and suggested to my daughter to change her specialty. And so, Bisserka graduated as a puppeteer. Upon her graduation she went to work in the Stara Zagora Theater. There she had an opportunity to pass the director's exam, and finally she did become a director. Now she works as such. My older daughter Natasha has a daughter, Bozhana, born in 1977, and a son, Valentin born in 1982, while Bisserka has a daughter, Ana-Maria, born in 1990 and a son, Stefan, born in 1996. They are all very smart kids. My oldest granddaughter lives abroad. The youngest grandchild, Stefcho [diminutive for Stefan] studies in the Jewish school. And, I have raised Ana-Maria almost by myself.
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