Lochshen Kugel

photo taken by ShellyS, on October 7, 2009, CC licensing

- 600 g lochshen
- 4 eggs
- 100 g sugar
- 50 g cinnamon
- 150 g raisins
- 100 g walnuts
- 100 g margarine
- 50 g honey
- salt

Boil the Lochshen for 5 mins in plenty of salted water, strain, rinse with cold water and drain well. Beat the eggs with sugar, add the cinnamon, a little salt and the melted margarine, mix with the lochshen. Transfer half the mixture to a greased pie dish, sprinkle with the washed raisins, chopped walnuts and honey, and cover with the rest of the lochshen. Bake in a moderate oven for about 40 mins.

Sephardic or Askhenazi